- Mike Johnston
Colorado State Senator
As a former co-founder and principal of Colorado’s first public high school in which 100 percent of seniors were admitted to four-year colleges, Colorado State Senator Mike Johnston sees poor test scores and dropout rates as nothing short of a civil rights issue.
And that is why we are thrilled to announce him as our featured conference at the upcoming NACSA Leadership Conference.
While we don’t want to give away too much, Senator Johnston will share his experiences—as a teacher in the Mississippi Delta and as a principal leading two alternative high schools serving Colorado students held in state custody or living in group homes and detention centers—to help us see why the fight for educational justice matters. Why truth and hope matters.
He will also encourage all of us to have courage to stand up and fight for what’s right for children even when it means being attacked from both sides of the education debate.
Because at the end of the day, as Senator Johnston has written, “what matters is not whether a kid goes to a charter school or a district school or a magnet school; what matters is they go to a good school.”
We cannot wait to hear what Senator Johnston has to share with us.
Don’t miss out! Join us in Colorado October 19 – 22 for the 2015 NACSA Leadership Conference!