You’re Back from Conference… Now What?

You’re Back from Conference… Now What?

If you attended the NACSA conference, you undoubtedly left Colorado with a number of ideas to implement within your own organization. Now you are back in your office, catching up on a week’s worth of work, and those ideas are quickly falling to the back burner. Don’t let them! Here are three easy steps to help make the most out of what you learned at the 2015 NACSA Leadership Conference.

Tip #1—Write Down Your Thoughts

Grab a cup of coffee, shut down your email, and take a few minutes to reflect. What were the important takeaways from sessions you attended? What suggestions made a light bulb go off in your head? Write them down and then prioritize. Which idea will have the greatest impact in your office?

Tip #2—Develop a Plan

You have your priority takeaways. Now you need to develop a realistic plan for implementation. What steps are required to make this plan a reality? Who else do you need to involve in your office? Given everything else on your plate, develop a timeline to help guide you. Have questions or need additional guidance? Reach out to the colleagues you met at the conference or contact NACSA. Visit the Knowledge Core for resources and check out session materials posted online.

Tip #3—Share What You Learned

Not everyone gets to attend the NACSA Leadership Conference, so take a moment to share what you learned with your colleagues in your office. Communicate your takeaways and other things you explored at the event. Involve them in your plan to implement new strategies in your office. Listen to their input and, as a team, discuss the ways your office can continue professional development and practice improvement throughout the year.

If you liked what you experienced in Colorado, start making plans to join us next year in downtown Atlanta. Mark your calendar for October 24-27, 2016 and register today!

Most importantly, remember that NACSA is more than just a conference. We are here to support you and your office year-round through our resources, professional services, and Leaders Program. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We are always here to help.

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