Three Post-Election Observations for Authorizers

Three Post-Election Observations for Authorizers

The whole nation is trying to decipher the lessons from this week’s elections. While it’s early to know all of the implications of the results, we believe three things are true:

Charter schools will continue to grow. Charter school ballot initiatives in Massachusetts and Georgia did not pass, but President-Elect Trump promised a $20 billion infusion to support school choice, including charter schools. That amount is more than 50 times greater than the current federal Charter Schools Program.

Authorizing has never been more important. Parents want their children to attend safe schools that provide a great education. Taxpayers want their money well spent. Authorizers have the responsibility to parents and the public to ensure that all charter schools are good schools.

NACSA hasn’t changed. We have been a clear, steady voice for quality charter schools throughout our history and we will continue to be so. Our commitment to access, autonomy and responsibility does not change based on election results

We look forward to continuing our work together to ensure that all children have access to quality public schools.

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