NACSA Names Veronica Brooks-Uy as Vice President of Policy

NACSA Names Veronica Brooks-Uy as Vice President of Policy

Karega Rausch, president and CEO of the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA), announced today that Veronica Brooks-Uy will serve as NACSA’s vice president of policy. Brooks-Uy brings more than 10 years of expertise as a policy expert, authorizer, and educator. 

“I’m honored to be named vice president of policy at NACSA and look forward to working with local, state, and national advocates, policymakers, and authorizers to live out our mission to provide strong public charter schools in our communities,” said Veronica Brooks-Uy.

In her role as vice president of policy, Brooks-Uy works with national, state, and local partners to pass and improve charter school laws and regulations, most recently working in partnership with an advocacy coalition on expansion of charter schools in West Virginia. She is also leading several policy projects from authorizers’ role in community engagement to a national database on charter school policy. 

Brooks-Uy has worked at NACSA for three years and most recently served as the interim vice president of policy. She previously served as director of policy. 

“I’m thrilled that Veronica will take the helm of our policy work at NACSA,” said Rausch. “She centers her work on addressing inequity, always considering how policy can support students, families, and communities that are too often overlooked.”

Brooks-Uy started her career as a middle school science teacher and has worked in the authorizing office at the Louisiana Department of Education, as policy director for the Louisiana Association of Public Charter Schools, and as a consultant with Public Impact. Through these experiences, she learned extensively about quality authorizing and improving the charter sector through policy reform.

She serves as board chair for the Diverse Charter Schools Coalition and is a fellow at the Pahara Institute. 

Brooks-Uy holds a master’s degree in public policy from George Washington University and a B.A. in psychology from the University of Virginia. 


NACSA works to increase and improve quality educational opportunities for children by strengthening charter school authorizing.

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