Application Stage
Once a school model is fully developed, the individuals seeking to found the school must submit a formal charter application to an authorizer. The authorizer should review the application to ensure that the considerations listed in Section A have been cohesively incorporated into the plan and are addressed throughout the application.
By requiring substantial information as part of the charter application, authorizers have a unique opportunity to require applicants to incorporate special education into their overall planning of the school model, rather than add it later to existing policies and procedures.
- Authorizers should require applicants to submit:
- Plan to evaluate and identify children with disabilities
- Plan to develop, review, and revise IEPs
- Plan to integrate special education into the general education program
- Plan to deliver special education and related services (e.g., in-house or contract out)
- Projected cost of special education program (e.g., percent of operating budget)
- Plan to access and account for special education funds
- Plan to ensure that the school facility meets the requirements of other related laws such as ADA and Section 504
- Plan for enrollment/IEP transition procedure
- Plan to address discipline for students with disabilities
- Plan to ensure confidentiality of special education records
- Plan to purchase services from special education vendors
- Plan to secure technical assistance and training
For additional guidance, see:
Appendix F, Charter School Application Review Checklist
Appendix G, Sample Language for Charter Applications and Contracts