Press Releases

National Association of Charter School Authorizers Applauds Bipartisan Congressional Vote on Charter School Quality

With today’s overwhelming bipartisan approval of the Success and Opportunity through Quality Charters Act (H.R. 10) by the full House Education and the Workforce Committee, the National Association of Charter School Authorizers …

NACSA Applauds Alabama Vote to Approve Charter School Legislation

The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) congratulates the Alabama General Assembly for passing Senate Bill 45 to become the most recent state to introduce charter schools as high-quality education options …

NACSA Receives National Grant to Strengthen Charter School Quality Nationwide

For more than a decade, the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) has led the effort to improve quality within the charter school community by helping authorizers set high standards, facilitate …

National Association of Charter School Authorizers Commends RSD Action to Deny Charter School’s Renewal

Charter schools are about more than just test scores. They also have an obligation to treat all students fairly and appropriately and to spend public money properly. Most charter schools do just …

NACSA Recognizes Step in the Right Direction To Improve Michigan’s Charter School Authorizing

The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) recognizes today’s release of a study by the Education Trust—Midwest (ETM) entitled “Accountability for All: The Need for Real Charter School Authorizer Accountability in …

NACSAns in New Orleans: We Want to Connect With You

The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools is hosting its annual Charter Schools Conference in New Orleans next week. Come hear some of our perspectives, and let’s build the knowing and doing base deeper and wider. Let’s connect names to faces to ideas to actions.

Ohio Charter Sponsor Rankings Continue to Tackle the Accountability Issue

This week, the Ohio Department of Education (ODE) announced the latest round of ratings for Ohio charter school authorizers, also known as sponsors, in the state. The ratings take a close look …

NACSA Congratulates Senior Advisor Nelson Smith, Newest Charter School Hall of Fame Inductee

Chicago, lll. – The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) is pleased to congratulate Senior Advisor Nelson Smith on his election into the National Charter School Hall of Fame, an honor …

NACSA Helps Build Charter School Authorizing Talent with Launch of Fellowship in Partnership with University of Minnesota

Chicago, Ill. – Nearly 25 years after passing the nation’s first charter school legislation, Minnesota continues to lead charter school education with the launch of the National Association of Charter School Authorizers …

Managing and Building Relationships with the Decision Makers

The strength of the relationship between a charter authorizer’s board and its staff has a major influence on the quality of the charter school authorizing.

Nevada Passes Legislation Creating State-Run District to Tackle Consistently Low-Performing Schools

Chicago, Ill. – Over the weekend, the Nevada legislature passed AB448, a significant piece of school reform legislation that will allow the state to transition its lowest-performing public schools to charter schools …

Unnecessary Concern about CMOs in Connecticut

CMOs are nothing to be scared of. They simply reflect one of many ways to organize and operate a charter school. Some charter school governing boards choose to work with them because they can bring a lot to the table in terms of expertise, curriculum, and resources. And nationally, the best CMOs are one of the drivers of high-quality charter school growth.

Friendly Fire from AEI

In The Paperwork Pileup, authors Michael Q. McShane, Jenn Hatfield, and Elizabeth English assert that charter authorizers are often creating “onerous and lengthy” application processes that may scare off charter operators. Why keep harking back to anyone’s “original intent” when we’ve got more than two decades of actual experience to guide practice?

NACSA Says American Enterprise Institute Report on Charter School Application Process Goes too Far, Calls for Focus on Balanced Authorizing Practices

Chicago, Ill. – The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) released the following statement in response to the recommendations in a report on authorizer accountability released today by the American Enterprise …

We Want YOUR Ideas for the Next Leadership Conference

NACSA’s 2015 Leadership Conference is in the works!  We are developing the schedule now for the October 19-22 program in Denver, Colorado and we want your session ideas! Our priority is to …