Press Releases

National Association of Charter School Authorizers Applauds Bipartisan Congressional Vote on Charter School Quality

With today’s overwhelming bipartisan approval of the Success and Opportunity through Quality Charters Act (H.R. 10) by the full House Education and the Workforce Committee, the National Association of Charter School Authorizers …

NACSA Applauds Alabama Vote to Approve Charter School Legislation

The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) congratulates the Alabama General Assembly for passing Senate Bill 45 to become the most recent state to introduce charter schools as high-quality education options …

NACSA Receives National Grant to Strengthen Charter School Quality Nationwide

For more than a decade, the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) has led the effort to improve quality within the charter school community by helping authorizers set high standards, facilitate …

National Association of Charter School Authorizers Commends RSD Action to Deny Charter School’s Renewal

Charter schools are about more than just test scores. They also have an obligation to treat all students fairly and appropriately and to spend public money properly. Most charter schools do just …

NACSA Recognizes Step in the Right Direction To Improve Michigan’s Charter School Authorizing

The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) recognizes today’s release of a study by the Education Trust—Midwest (ETM) entitled “Accountability for All: The Need for Real Charter School Authorizer Accountability in …

Making Quality the Norm

For our grandparents or great-grandparents, a visit to the doctor was a different experience than it is for us.  Certainly, the level of medical technology available today dwarfs that of long ago, …

Just the Facts, in Abundance

There are now more than a thousand charter school authorizers in the United States – 1,045 to be exact, according to the brand-new State of Charter School Authorizing 2013 (which in NACSA …

National Association of Charter School Authorizers Lauds Tennessee’s Strong Stance on Charter Quality

The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) congratulated the state of Tennessee for taking a notable step in improving the overall quality of the state’s charter school sector. In a statement …

Success and Opportunities through Quality Charter Schools

This week House Education and the Workforce Committee Chairman John Kline (R-MN) and ranking Democratic Representative Miller (D-CA) introduced HR 10—the Success and Opportunities through Quality Charter Schools Act—to reauthorize the federal Charter …

National Association of Charter School Authorizers Announces Support for U.S. House Quality Charter Schools Bill

The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) has announced its strong support for new legislation that focuses on both the growth and the quality of the charter school sector. The organization’s …

NACSA Selects Third Cohort for Leaders Program

The success of the charter school sector depends on having strong authorizers capable of managing a portfolio of high-performing schools and ensuring that every charter school provides an outstanding education to its …

An Intentional Focus on Quality

Guest Post: Lisa Graham Keegan, Chair, NACSA Board of Directors Public charter schools were created specifically to advance achievement. They reflect the vision, the skills and the heart of the team that …

Strong Authorizing Practices Produced Better Schools for 230,000 Students in 2013

More than 230,000 students are attending better schools in 2013 because of the actions of charter school authorizers across the country, according to the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA). Authorizers …

Strong progress toward One Million Lives

Just over a year ago, NACSA announced an ambitious goal to provide better schools to one million children over five years. We called it our One Million Lives campaign because we knew …

Low Expectations Are Not the Right Expectations

Last week Education Next published an article entitled “Choosing the Right Growth Measure” that compares three types of growth models and claims that the “best” model is a two-step value-added model (VAM) …