Press Releases

A Call for Quality: National Charter School Authorizers Group Says More Failing Schools Must Close For Reform to Fully Succeed

While a great many public charter schools are among their states’ best performers and are paving the way for educational innovation across the U.S., too many are failing to provide a quality …

National Association of Charter School Authorizers Issues Statement on Georgia Charter School Referendum

Greg Richmond, president and CEO of the National Association of Charter School Authorizers, issued the following statement today on the passage of Georgia’s charter school referendum: “By amending the constitution, voters have …

National Association of Charter School Authorizers Issues Statement on Presidential Election

Greg Richmond, president and CEO of the National Association of Charter School Authorizers, issued the following statement today on the results of the presidential election: “Like every president for the past twenty …

National Charter Organization Releases New Standards for Authorizers

The National Association for Charter School Authorizers released today its 2012 Principles & Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing, providing new standards for authorizers—the entities tasked with approving, monitoring and renewing the …

Mississippi’s New Charter Law a Win for State’s Children

Greg Richmond, president and CEO of the National Association of Charter School Authorizers, today issued the following statement regarding Governor Phil Bryant’s signature of Mississippi’s new charter school law: “Today, the future …

Improve Quality with Smart Policy and Strong Accountability

Last week, The Oregonian published an op-ed by NACSA president and CEO, Greg Richmond, arguing that the best way to improve the state’s charter schools is to strengthen accountability for their performance. Greg …

Lenders and Authorizers: Can We Talk?

When people talk about “market accountability” for charter schools, they’re usually referring to parents; you have to keep attracting “customers” in the form of parents and students, or you close. But because …

The Challenge Ahead

The new CREDO study on charter school performance was released two weeks ago, and it continues to make a big splash. It included great news about the strength of charter performance in …

On Charter School Discipline: Autonomy, Due Process, and Shared Responsibility

Yesterday, the SUNY Charter Schools Institute hosted a seminar for authorizers and charter school leaders on the laws governing school discipline. In New York, as in most states, charter schools have broad …

Action in the Statehouses: Part III

The majority of state legislative session are now adjourned or nearly adjourned and this week brings some victories and some surprises. In Nevada the full legislature sent AB 205 to Governor Sandoval, …

Staying Immersed

There is a really interesting thing going on in Washington, D.C.’s charter sector. The Public Charter School Board (PCSB) is moving toward approval of a new charter middle/high school (DC International or …

Texas-sized Improvements

NACSA’s One Million Lives campaign emphasizes growth and accountability:  we need both if we are to provide one million children with a better education. In a huge victory, the Texas legislature passed …

How much progress is enough?

Earlier this week my friend Checker Finn wrote a short, barbed blog saying in effect that charter folks shouldn’t brag too hard about outperforming dismal neighborhood schools when so many of our …

Action in the Statehouses: Part 2

Session deadlines keep coming and bills keep moving.  Monday night in Nevada the Senate unanimously passed AB 205, a comprehensive authorizing bill that institutes performance-based contracts, performance frameworks for each charter school, …

What’s in a Name? Authorizing vs. Sponsorship

Charter schools may look different from state to state, but one common denominator is that each charter school has an entity that is charged with defining school autonomies and holding the school …