NACSA names Guerschmide Saint-Ange as Chief Operations & Talent Officer

NACSA names Guerschmide Saint-Ange as Chief Operations & Talent Officer

Karega Rausch, president and CEO of the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA), announced today that Guerschmide Saint-Ange joins NACSA as chief operations and talent officer. 

“I’ve been a long-time partner with NACSA on their work, especially the renewal guidance, and I’m excited to be joining the team as they dig deeper into their community-centered approach,” said Saint-Ange. 

In her role as chief operations and talent officer Saint-Ange works across the organization to operationalize and execute NACSA’s strategic vision and initiatives; strengthen internal systems and process; and advance diversity, equity, and inclusion within NACSA. 

Saint-Ange has dedicated her career to education. Prior to NACSA, she served as executive director of La Cima Charter School in Brooklyn, NY and has held several authorizing roles with New York City Department of Education. 

“Guerschmide brings to NACSA and this role an understanding of and commitment to quality authorizing practices as critical to creating more great schools for all kids,” said Rausch. “She is an essential part of our leadership team as we seek to define quality authorizing during a unique time.” 

Saint-Ange holds a bachelor’s and master’s degrees in English education from Hampton University and a master’s degree in education policy and management from Harvard University.

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