Amanda DeVaul-Fetters

Amanda DeVaul-Fetters

Director of Program Evaluation

Amanda leads NACSA’s evaluation and assessment work to create positive changes in the field by determining which authorizing programs, policies, and practices lead to stronger outcomes for students and the public.

Amanda has more than 10 years of experience in social science research, with expertise in turning research into action through evidence-based decision making. In her previous role as Senior Manager of Research, Public Policy, and Evaluation at United Way of Greater Kansas City, she led research in support of the organization’s key investment areas and developed an outcomes measurement system that better assessed the collective impact of over 300 individual programs. As the Program Impact Specialist for Kansas City’s Choice Neighborhoods grant, Amanda worked with district and charter schools to collect data in order to inform education strategies that improved outcomes for students and families served by the grant.

She holds a Ph.D. in social psychology, with a specialization in migration and ethnic relations, from the University of Western Ontario and a master’s degree in psychology from the University of Central Missouri.

Amanda’s work on Kansas City’s Choice Neighborhoods Initiative solidified her belief that access to quality charter schools can, and does, result in positive results for kids otherwise stuck in a failing school.  

She lives in Kansas City with her husband and three young children. On weekends you can find her playing indoor soccer and watching Royals games.

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