David Greenberg

David Greenberg

Vice President, Authorizer Learning & Development

David Greenberg heads up NACSA’s Authorizer Learning and Development team which strives to ensure authorizers have the guidance resources, professional development, and community of support they need to advance and strengthen the ideas and practices of authorizing so students and communities – especially those who are historically under-resourced – thrive.

David has been an educator and educational leader for over 30+ years. Before coming to NACSA, he was the Director of Charter School Authorizing at the Audubon Center of the North Woods (now Osprey Wilds), at the time the largest authorizer in Minnesota. He has held a secondary teaching license in social studies and has taught in both traditional district and charter schools in Minnesota as well as in private programs internationally in Madrid, Spain and Santiago, Chile.

Prior to entering the field of authorizing, David helped start a charter high school in Minneapolis, serving as start-up coordinator and later board chair, teacher, and ultimately executive director during his 12 years there. He has been an active leader in Minnesota and nationally, having participated in the NACSA Leaders Program, presented at national conferences, and served as a coach to leaders of authorizing offices across the country.

David holds a M.A. in teaching/history from the University of Wisconsin, River Falls. He also has completed graduate coursework in special education at the University of St. Thomas in Minneapolis. He earned his B.A. in sociology from the University of Pennsylvania.

As a parent, teacher, school leader, and authorizer, David has seen how a poor education holds children back and how a great education propels them forward. He is inspired by the brilliance, creativity, and ambition of young people and believes that all children deserve the opportunity to realize their fullest potential through a dynamic and challenging learning environment. He wants to ensure that all of us adults who work in the field of education, or in any field, keep children at the center of the work.

At every opportunity, David seeks out adventures, be it hiking new trails, paddling waterways in a canoe or kayak, or exploring new restaurants in his hometown of Minneapolis, or wherever his travels may take him.

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