Sean Perkins

Sean Perkins

2016 NACSA Leader

Executive Director, Orleans Parish School

Sean Perkins currently serves as the Executive Director of Orleans Parish School. He oversees Career & Technical Education, Early Childhood Education, English Language Learning, the charter school application process and pre-opening guidelines for new charter schools, data analysis of enrollment, academic performance, and citywide demographic trends, and coordinates grant opportunities available to schools across the LEA.

Prior to joining Orleans Parish Schools, served as the Senior Advisor to Education at the Embassy of Kuwait and remained in that role for seven years. As Senior Advisor, Sean provided educational policy recommendations to the government agencies of Kuwait and managed the acquisitions of contractual agreements with more than 150 colleges and universities in North America. Previously, he taught English at James Madison High School in Fairfax, Virginia.

Sean is a double-graduate from The George Washington University in Washington, D.C., where he earned a Bachelor’s of Arts in English in May 2004, followed by a Master’s of Arts in Education and Human Development in August 2006.

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