Press Releases

Indiana Receives Top Marks in Charter School Policy Report, Leads Nation with Smart Laws Focused on Quality and Oversight

For the first time, Indiana’s strong charter school laws earned a perfect score in a national ranking of charter school policies out today from the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA). …


Arizona Charter School Reforms Recognized in National Charter School Policy Analysis

New accountability and oversight provisions demonstrate state’s shift to quality charter schools Strong charter school provisions enacted by the Arizona legislature last year lead to huge gains on a national ranking of …


New Connecticut Charter School Reforms Recognized in National Charter School Policy Analysis

New accountability and oversight provisions bring Connecticut’s charter school law up-to-date Strong charter school oversight provisions enacted by the Connecticut legislature last year lead to huge gains on a national ranking of …


Georgia Charter School Reforms Lauded in National Charter School Policy Analysis

Report lauds Georgia’s reforms to strengthen charter school oversight and encourages adoption of additional recommendations being put forth by the Georgia Education Reform Commission Strong charter school oversight provisions enacted by the …


NACSA President Calls on US Senate to Support the Every Student Succeeds Act

Tomorrow, the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) will come before the US Senate for a floor vote.  The current legislative proposal, which is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act …

Waiting on Recommendations in Indiana

Ball State University’s Office of Charter Schools is preparing to release recommendations on the renewal of twenty schools. The recommendations, expected March 1st, are the first that Ball State has produced following …

A Call for Quality Schools

Cross-Posted from the Fordham Institute’s “Choice Words” blog. Last week, the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) launched “One Million Lives,” a multi-pronged campaign to provide better schools to one million …

Changing One Million Lives

Today, NACSA launched One Million Lives, a multi-pronged campaign to provide better schools to one million children by closing failing charter schools and opening many more good ones. WASHINGTON, D.C. – While a …

A Call for Quality: National Charter School Authorizers Group Says More Failing Schools Must Close For Reform to Fully Succeed

While a great many public charter schools are among their states’ best performers and are paving the way for educational innovation across the U.S., too many are failing to provide a quality …

Charter School Enrollment on the Rise

Earlier this week, the National Alliance for Public Charter Schools (NAPCS) released its annual market share report (PDF). The report shows that charter school enrollment continues to grow rapidly. From 2010-11 to 2011-12, …

Chicago Public Schools Promises Accountability for Low-Performing Charters

Chicago Public Schools today announced the process and timeline for its upcoming  renewal process on Tuesday, promising that “charter schools that do not meet the terms of their contract will not be …

Ask the Experts: Focus on Special Education Oversight

The 2012 edition of NACSA’s  Principles & Standards for Quality Charter School Authorizing provides authorizers with new guidance related to the oversight of special education. Specifically, it says quality authorizers: Enlists expertise …

National Association of Charter School Authorizers Issues Statement on Georgia Charter School Referendum

Greg Richmond, president and CEO of the National Association of Charter School Authorizers, issued the following statement today on the passage of Georgia’s charter school referendum: “By amending the constitution, voters have …

Visualizing Teacher Prep Outcomes

Via Michael Goldstein: The Tennessee teacher prep report card is out.

Welcome to Chartering Quality

Chartering Quality is a blog devoted to improving public education and expanding opportunity through smart authorizing of charter schools–autonomous, accountable, public schools of choice. A project of the National Association of Charter School …