State of Authorizing Report

Authorizing is the most consequential public school governance reform of the past two decades. Over the last 20+ years, diverse authorizers have created a new landscape, where school autonomy—balanced by fierce accountability and equitable access—could exist and thrive.


Over the next decade, NACSA envisions new authorizing systems that embrace innovative ways of organizing learning that are objectively equitable, excellent, and built from the high standards communities have for their children. We see a world where new and existing schools match communities’ expressed desires, and many more are governed and led by people of color and those with deep ties to local communities.


We know where authorizing came from and we know where it is going, but where is it right now? This State of Charter Authorizing Report is a comprehensive look at who is doing what in this present moment. Having a dynamic picture of where we are helps us navigate this landscape and chart our next steps on this journey of tapping into Excellence from Communities.


This report provides a comprehensive look at who is doing what in authorizing in this present moment. Having a dynamic picture of where we are helps us navigate this landscape and chart our next steps on this journey of tapping into Excellence from Communities.