Press Releases

NACSA Cheers Passage of Comprehensive Charter School Reform Bill in Ohio

Today Ohio state lawmakers passed House Bill 2 (HB 2), a comprehensive charter school reform bill. In response, Amanda Fenton, director of state and federal policy at NACSA, issued the following statement: …

NACSA Urges Ohio Legislature to Pass Charter School Reform Bill

The National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) fully supports Ohio House Bill 2 (HB 2) as passed by the conference committee today. We are pleased with the legislatures’ commitment to this …

California Authorizers Take the Lead to Improve Charter School Quality and Oversight in State

NACSA commends the Alameda County Office of Education’s new Charter Authorizers’ Resource Network (CARSNet) and California Charter Authorizing Professionals (CCAP) as they kick off the California Charter Authorizers Conference—the first-ever conference focused …

U.S. Department of Education Emphasizes Charter School Oversight, Including NACSA’s National Authorizing Standards

Chicago, Ill. — Today the U.S. Department of Education announced the next round of Charter Schools Program (CSP) grants. In a press conference, U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan voiced his support …

NACSA Calls on Washington State Governor to Save Charter Schools

Over the past three years, Washington’s public officials have worked carefully to implement the state’s new charter school law. It is because of their work that more than 1,200 children throughout the …

Tennessee Paves a New Avenue for More Great Public Schools

Tennessee recently adopted legislation that creates a state charter school commission and gives the state board of education responsibility for overseeing charter authorizers. These actions should spur charter growth as well as …

It’s Not Just a California Dream: Fix Bad Charter School State Policies to Erase Bad Incentives

“There are wildly different levels of attention being paid to these schools, and charter schools are finding ways to shop around for the weakest oversight. As long as California’s authorizing structure stays …

Heat Wave or Cold Snap: Movement on the Virtual Schools Policy Front?

Virtual charter school reform continues to be a major legislative trend this year: we’re tracking legislation introduced in seven states, with more likely to come. As we take a closer look at …

Preserving Authorizer Judgment: On the Road to a Win in New Mexico

A few things truly set the nation’s strongest charter school authorizers apart from the field. NACSA’s research, released last year in our Quality Practice Project, revealed students are best served when authorizers …

Multi-State Analysis of Charter School Proposals and Approvals Reveals a Diverse Sector Shaped by Authorizers

Report uncovers increased share of freestanding school proposals, decrease in for-profit and “No Excuses” proposals, and few proposals receive philanthropic support.  CHICAGO — A new report released today by the National Association of Charter School Authorizers (NACSA) offers a never-before-seen …

It’s All About the Balance: California’s Transparency Bill

School choice advocates know the core tenet of the charter school bargain: schools get the autonomy they need to implement programs that work while being held accountable for results with students. In …

The Freshman Class Has a Lesson or Two For the Seniors

The charter school movement is now nearly 30 years old. In these three decades, practitioners and policymakers have learned a lot. States with newer charter laws—like Alabama, Mississippi, and Washington—have learned from …

One Thing That’s Hot This Winter: Virtual Charter School Reform

It’s still early in the 2019 legislative cycle, but one clear trend is already emerging: virtual charter school reform bills are popping up in states across the country. Over 40 percent of …

Forget Netflix: What to Watch in the 2019 State Legislative Cycle

While legislative action is slowed at the federal level, state legislative cycles are in full-swing. Advocates for quality charter school authorizing are keeping an eye on potential for progress in their home …

How to Implement the NCD’s Special Education Report Recommendations

The National Council on Disability (NCD) recently published Charter Schools—Implications for Students with Disabilities, a look at how charter schools are serving children with disabilities. Overall, the report found that while some …