Press Releases

NACSA Responds to President Trump’s Proposed FY2019 Budget

In response to President Trump’s recently announced FY2019 budget, which includes a $500 million increase for charter schools, NACSA’s Interim CEO and Vice President of Research & Evaluation, Karega Rausch released the …

NACSA responds to CREDO Report on School Closure

Today, the Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) released a report looking at school closure across the country. In response, Greg Richmond, president and CEO of the National Association of Charter School Authorizers …

NACSA Responds to the NAACP’s Education Report

Today, the NAACP Task Force on Quality Education issued a report with findings and recommendations resulting from its series of hearings on public education. In response, Greg Richmond, President and CEO of the National Association of …

Statement on CREDO Charter Management Organization (CMO) Study

Today, the Center for Research on Education Outcomes (CREDO) released a report looking at the performance of charter management organizations across the country. In response, Greg Richmond, president and CEO of the …

NACSA Issues Statement on President Trump’s Proposed FY2018 Budget

  In response to President Trump’s recently announced FY2018 budget, which includes a $168 million increase for charter schools, NACSA President and CEO Greg Richmond released the following statement: “We support and …

School Reopenings: One Authorizer Focuses on Student Safety in Reopening Plans

This is a guest blog post by Scott Pearson, former Executive Director of the DC Public Charter School Board and NACSA Board Member. Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic has required urgent and …

Moving Beyond “Accountability” in Monitoring a Virtual Learning Environment

This is a guest post by Laura Stabler, Director of Academic Performance and Accountability at CMU’s Governor John Engler Center for Charter Schools.  Do you ever feel like Alice from the literary classic Alice’s Adventures …

Missouri’s Charter School Authorizer Oversight: Not Pretty, But It’s Working

The headline of a recent story covering the Missouri State Board of Education could, on first read, be seen as a knock on charter school authorizing. After all, when state officials threaten sanctions or even revocation …

NACSA Statement on School Reopenings

Any school opening plan must include state and local health guidelines and be driven by two cornerstones: the health and safety of students and staff, and continuous learning for students. We know …

Authorizer Conversations: Dr. Kelli Peterson Addresses Racism and Injustice in Education in America

    Dr. Kelli Peterson, NACSA National Advisory Board Member and new Assistant Superintendent, Equity, Inclusion and Opportunity at the Louisiana Department of Education, addresses racism, inequity, and injustice in America and …

The Paycheck Protection Program: What is an Authorizer’s Role?

As you may know, part of the federal stimulus packages that were passed in response to the COVID-19 pandemic is a federal loan program: The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). This program provides …

Authorizer Conversations: Peng Chao on Balancing “Meaningful Support” and Autonomy

In the next installment of Authorizer Conversations, NACSA’s interim VP of Policy, Veronica Brooks-Uy interviews Peng Chao, Executive Director of the Charter Schools Office at the School District of Philadelphia. Peng shares …

Charter School Authorizers Must Rebalance Accountability, Flexibility, and Support During the Pandemic

This guest blog was written by Miho Kubagawa, a Partner with New Schools Venture Fund. When schools closed in March, I naively assumed that the biggest challenge public schools would face this …

Message to the Charter School Authorizing Community from Karega Rausch, Interim President & CEO

To the Authorizing Community: Like so many of you it has taken me some time to process a range of emotions after seeing Black people being murdered, most visibly George Floyd and …

Authorizer Conversations: Joseph Escobedo on Virtual Site Visits and the Human Side of Authorizing

“When we talk about the human side, that was something I was not expecting. I was not expecting that I would need to provide emotional support to our charter leaders or that …